Osteoarthritis - a degenerative disease that causes destruction of the hip and has a chronic character to the flow. More common in older age groups. More common in women than men.
The onset of the disease is progressive, develops slowly. May affect one joint or both. Is the most common form of osteoarthritis.
Why the disease?
Osteoarthritis of the hip in some patients accompanies the natural aging process of the body and is the tissue degeneration of the hip joint. On the occurrence of several factors:
- reduction of the nutrition of the tissue;
- congenital anomaly of the hip, in particular, dysplasia;
- during the migration, the trauma of the pelvic region;
- post-infectious osteoarthritis of the hip;
- aseptic necrosis of the head of the hip;
- the disease of Perthes (osteochondropathy).
Unfortunately, determining the cause of the disease is not always possible and the pathology of the hip joint is called idiopathic coxarthrosis - these are reasons that are not installed. It is a goad standing for the study of problems. Are current scientific research in this field and the doctors have concluded that the higher risk of osteoarthritis of the hip was observed in patients of patients:
- Hereditary tendency to the disease. The patients whose parents have suffered from diseases of cartilage and bone, in most cases, they will also have similar problems;
- The excess of weight. A large mass of a body is the load on the joints, which are regularly exposed to mechanical work;
- Metabolic, diabetes. This leads to a poor supply of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues of the joint, due to which they lose their properties.
Know the main risk factors of the disease, you can plan of prevention measures of prevention.
How to recognize the pathology of the hip?
The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hip depends on the anatomical peculiarities of the oporno-impellent device, the causes of the pathology and the stages of the process. A review of the main clinical manifestations:
- the pain of the joint;
- the irradiation of pain in the knee, the hip, the adductors;
- the stiffness of the motion;
- a reduced mobility;
- the violation of walking, lameness;
- a reduction of the mass of the muscles of the hip;
- the shortening of the injured limb.
The clinical picture corresponds to internal changes in the tissues of the joint. The symptoms accumulate gradually and on the early stages of the patient does not agree to their attention. It is dangerous, because it is at the beginning of the treatment process brings a greater effect.
Clinical and radiological measurement coxarthrosis
Here is the list of symptoms of the disease, specific to each measure.
- 1 degree. The patient felt periodic pain and discomfort. An unpleasant sensation disturbing after exercise, a long position in a static pose. The pain is localized in the area of the joint and occurs after the rest. At this stage of the process is not broken, the approach and no shortening of the leg. The changes seen on x-ray - shrinks joint of the slit, appear osteophytes (outgrowths of bone).
- 2 degree. Increases the intensity of the pain, it may appear during the holidays and radiant in the areas of the body. You receive the lameness after the man walked for a long time or overwork. Is limited by the amount of motion in the joint. In parallel, a change of radiology work: moves the femoral head, osteophytes grow on the inside and outside edges of the acetabulum.
- 3 the stage. The pain is of a permanent character, appears in the day and the night. Significantly worsening gait, constant, appears to be limping. Greatly reduces motor skills, atrophy of the muscles of the leg. the change of muscle tissue leads to the fact that the foot is a little “pull” and becomes the shortest. This leads to the deformation of the posture and deformation of the body. The x-ray at this stage of the process: the narrowing of the slit between the surfaces of the joint, deformation of the femoral head, the strong growth of osteophytes.
Program of diagnosis of the disease
The main method of diagnosis x-ray. With its help, you can determine the presence of the disease and its stage. On the x-ray to analyze the structure of the articulation on the subject of a narrowing of the joint space, of the osteophytes, the destruction of the head of the hip bone.
If there is a need to study the condition of soft tissues, by magnetic resonance tomography. It allows to study in depth the state of the cartilaginous site of joint, and the muscles of the hip area.
The modern methods and the orientation of the treatment osteoarthritis of the hip
The treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip can be conservative and surgical. Treatment osteoarthritis of the hip is aimed at achieving the following objectives:
- the reduction of the pain of the events;
- the restoration of motor activity;
- the rehabilitation and restoration of working capacity;
- prevention of complications;
- improving the quality of life of the patient.
The beginning of the treatment consists in the modification of risk factors. To do this, the doctor recommends the following measures:
- the normalization of the mass of the body;
- the refusal of bad habits;
- a good nutrition;
- the standardization of the physical activity;
- balanced drinking mode;
- a healthy sleep.
Conservative treatment can be distinguished: the drugs and not the drug. The drug treatment includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, chondroprotectors. They reduce the inflammation in the tissues of the joint, to eliminate the swelling and the pain, to restore the volume of movements and to improve the state of cartilage.
Non-drug treatment includes massage of the affected area. It stimulates the muscle, opposed to their dystrophy and is preventing shortening of the member. Complete and professional massage stimulates the blood circulation in the area of the joint, which, in turn, leads to the normalization of metabolism in the tissues. Please note that massage is not always helpful when coxarthrosis - pass between the aggravations and at certain stages of the process. Assigned can doctor you recommend massage techniques, the multiplicity of procedures and the duration of the training.
The obligatory condition of treatment - physiotherapy. This is to prevent contractures and progression of the disease. The exercises should be conducted every day, only then will they have an effect. Gymnastics is individually selected and are prescribed by a doctor. The exercises improve the well-being, reduce the risk of affective disorders, strengthen the forces of the body.
Physiotherapy is another method that applies the coxarthrosis. It may be out of the mud, baths and shower, magnet therapy. Apply electricity and phonophorèse-based substances.
If these treatments have not given effect or have been applied within the time require surgical treatment.
The quick response during the coxarthrosis
The surgical treatment applies when the ineffectiveness of the methods conservative. This is especially true when late diagnosis. Modern operating methods and the quality of the equipment allow you to restore the structure and function of the joint, give the man the amount of motion and a normal quality of life. The most effective method of surgical treatment is arthroplasty of the joint.
The indications for surgery are:
- coxarthrosis 2-3 degrees;
- the lack of effect of the therapy;
- one limitation of the movements, of walking.
Contra-indications, which do not allow to perform the operation:
- decompensated state of the kidneys, the heart, the liver;
- mental illness;
- the acute phase of inflammation in the body.
This is why we spend the preoperative diagnosis. However, if you have the ability to set the state of a patient preparing for an operation and after an intervention.
The surgery is to remove the affected tissues and the installation of the prosthesis. There are different designs of prostheses. Different methods of fixation in the bone – cement and without cement, the material from which is made of a prosthesis. On all of the features of the prosthesis and the intricacies of the procedure, you can obtain information about the consultation of your doctor.
The recovery period after surgical treatment
On the first day after the operation carried out rehabilitation under the supervision of a doctor. First of all, it is the execution of passive movements, and then the load increases progressively. Walking in a first time, is allowed only with crutches, are allowed to the seat and squat.
Of course, in the first time, after the operation, there are restrictions on the loads. This is not to be feared - in fact, without this operation, these limits are kept at least until the end of life. Decreased physical activity after a surgical treatment is necessary to strengthen the provisions of the prosthesis, the restoration of the integrity of the bone, the healing of wounds. In the course of 2 months must be excluded from the course of sports, physical exercise on the joint, walking, extended, and certain types of exercises. After a complete restoration, the man returns to the normal life, can do exercise and leisure activities.
Life of dentures: most of the companies indicates the survival rate of about 90% of the observation time of 15 years.